Thursday, December 2, 2010

LA Marathon 2010+...

A]  the LA marathon that I ran in march went _HORRIBLY_...  turns out i had food poisoning or something + was throwing up all night-  Not an ideal condition to be in, when running a marathon + could it have something to do with it being #13?  Who knows?  I will say that with some delirious freak kick, I managed ~a 2:30 last half mile...  not that it mattered.
So yeah...  3:47:06-  even WORSE than my VERY FIRST marathon ever, which was 3:37:13.
As far as the course went-  Quick run down= It was incredibly hilly, congested, and winding @ the start.
It settled into rolling hills through hollywood, west LA, and santa monica after that, which were nice, but not nearly as nice as the fast/ downhill course they promoted it as.  Regardless, I don't think I could have run any course respectable that day.

B]  So here's my updated marathons times...

january, 2005, carlsbad half marathon: 1:37:13
01] march, 2005, LA marathon [#1]: 03:39:41
palos verdes half marathon: 1:34:05
02] june, 2005, san diego rock 'n' roll marathon: 3:17:12
february, 2006, pacific shoreline half marathon: 1:31:51
03] march, 2006, napa valley marathon: 3:13:13
04] march, 2006, LA marathon: 5:34:29*
*hung back a little w/ my lovely wife
05] may, 2006, vancouver marathon: 3:19:35
october, 2006, long beach half marathon: 1:30:21
06] december, 2006, tucson holualoa : 3:07:53
march, 2007, pacific shoreline half marathon: 2:47:43*
*hung back a little w/ my lovely wife
07] march, 2007 LA marathon: 3:23:23
08] april, 2007, boston marathon: 3:22:47*
*taking it easy & enjoying it, as a reward for earning entry:)
09] april, 2007, big sur marathon: 5:32:57*
*hung back a little w/ my lovely wife
10] march, 2008, napa valley marathon [#2]: 3:16:18
11] october, 2008, Nike Women's marathon: 3:26:53
12]  October, 2008, Seattle marathon:  3:27:31
13]  March, 2010, LA Marathon:  3:47:06

...  NEXT UP are my ambitious plans for 2011 + my fav. new running toy-  stay tuned!

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